Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At The Fitted Sheets, safeguarding your personal information is paramount, and we handle it with utmost care and respect. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and utilize your personal data on The Fitted Sheets and its affiliated websites.

Your Personal Data
Personal data encompasses information that directly or indirectly identifies individuals. This includes data like names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, browsing history, order details, and interactions with customer service. Please note that we do not collect bank details, as we utilize the secure payment service provider Worldpay for processing payments.

Data Controller

The Fitted Sheets, is responsible for collecting, processing, and utilizing the personal data provided when using our services.

Purposes of Collecting Personal Data
We collect personal data to facilitate various e-commerce operations, including order processing, payment handling, delivery management, customer relationship management, and communications. The specific purposes include:

  • Managing shopping cart and orders
  • Handling delivery operations
  • Processing payment transactions
  • Managing customer relations and after-sales service
  • Conducting commercial prospecting activities
  • Combating fraud and managing legal disputes
  • Organizing competitions and sending targeted commercial offers
  • Sharing of Personal Data

Your personal data may be shared with third-party service providers involved in order processing, payment handling, delivery operations, and marketing efforts. We carefully select our partners to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Disclosure to Public Authorities

In certain situations, we may disclose your personal data to third parties as required by law or to protect our rights and interests.

Use of Data for Marketing Purposes
We use your personal information to inform you about relevant services, products, and initiatives. You can unsubscribe from our advertising communications at any time.

Security Measures
We implement robust security measures to protect your personal data, including encryption of payment information and verification processes for accessing personal information.

Accessing Your Data
To access or request changes to your personal information, please follow the instructions provided on our website or contact our Data Protection Officer.

We are committed to handling your personal data responsibly and transparently. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Data Protection Officer

The Fitted Sheets

Number +44 7491803638