Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

At The Fitted Sheets, we utilize "cookies" on our websites and online services. These cookies serve various purposes, including enabling features like shopping baskets, personalizing your browsing experience, and monitoring user behavior to improve our products and services.

Disabling cookies in your browser may limit your access to certain sections of our site. However, if you wish to do so, please consult your browser provider for instructions.

In line with the ICC UK Cookie guide, we categorize the cookies used on our site into three categories:

Category 1 - Strictly Necessary Cookies: These cookies are crucial for basic site functionality, such as enabling the shopping basket. Without them, many features of our site will not work.

Category 2 - Performance Cookies: These cookies collect anonymous data about user behavior to help us improve our sites and deliver a better user experience. No personal information is collected or associated with these cookies.

Category 3 - Functionality Cookies: Functionality cookies remember your preferences and choices to enhance your browsing experience. They are anonymous and only used on our site, not to track your activity elsewhere.

By using our site, you consent to the use of cookies as described above. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.